This term we have designed and built our very own toy cars. The children loved this activity and enjoyed using a range of materials to build their cars.

Toys and book sale!

We are currently trying to raise money to buy new books for our class reading corner. We have decided to have a toy and book sale on Friday 3rd April after school on the infant playground. If you have any unwanted toys and books, please could these be sent into school so we can hopefully raise some money for our project. This would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!


Next week we are going to be making our very own toy cars! If possible, please could you send any smaller cardboard boxes that you may normally recycle into school.

Thank you!

PE days

Good afternoon,

Our PE days have now changed to Monday and Thursday, so please send your children in their PE kits on these days. Tomorrow the children will no longer have PE so please can they wear their school uniform as normal.

Thank you!