
This week in maths we have been looking at graphs and different ways we can record data. We have used pictograms, tally charts and block diagrams. The children have done lots of excellent work making their own charts and graphs with counters and pictures to record their data.

An extra task has been sent home with the children to follow on from this week’s work to record the data of how many pairs of shoes each member of your family owns. Please return this to Miss Galimberti next week.

This week

Dear Parents,

This week we are having an assessment week so the children are completing their ‘quizzes’ so they are a little more familiar with them.

We are also working on our nativity so all in all it’s a busy week and only Wednesday!

I apologise that we haven’t got the reading books given out yet this week, it will be done tomorrow. The children have done a lot of reading in class with the assessments so have not been heard read by an adult. I did explain this to the class but the messages don’t always make it home, hence the blog post!

Also information about the nativity parts, costumes and anything else you need to know will be coming to you soon.

As a reminder the homework is posted in the homework tab, CGP grammar is page 3, noun phrases.

Please come and see us if you have any questions.

Collective worship – Remembrance Sunday

As part of our collective worship in class this week and our work on Remembrance Sunday and the Centenary we thought about who we wanted to be thankful for. We also prayed for all of those who had lost their lives in war and conflict as well as praying for all of those who serve to protect us. The children were respectful and as we made our own poppies in to a wreath it became more of a heart than a circle which we thought was a good symbol.

Bar model

In maths this week and next we are using the bar model as a visual and concrete representation of how we can solve mathematical problems. We needed to consider if we had both of the parts to find the whole (addition) or if we had the whole and a part to find the missing part (subtraction).

We have also explored what is known and what is unknown to help reason about the problem. Great work Year 2 as always!


Should I keep trying? YES!

As part of our topic work on ‘Should I keep trying?’ we have looked at the Wright Brothers and worked on making our own flying machines and recently learned about Thomas Edison. We have had to think about building resilience and how many people from history have had to keep on trying in order to succeed.

This lesson focused on us trying to make a circuit with no guidance and the children were just encouraged to keep trying. Clues were given as the lesson progressed so they could have success and they all got their bulb to light.

The photos are in the incorrect order though!

In addition to this historical figure we also learned about Rosa Parks and how she didn’t give up. Suffragettes next!


Mastery English

A few weeks ago we were using our class text and comprehension skills to answer questions about Dear Greenpeace.

We had to find the answers – sometimes retrieving it straight from the text or having to use our skills of inference.

Lots of great full sentence answers!

Outdoor PE

Dear Parents,

Could you please make sure your child has long leggings or jogging bottoms and a long sleeve jumper suitable for outdoor PE. We are timetabled for this on Friday (and we may take advantage of any other opportune slots in the week) and the weather has turned colder so it is certainly necessary.

Also some of the children who have gymnastics kit are wearing this for PE and they should wear their school uniform PE kit. If you could support this message at home too.

Many thanks

Flu Vaccine

Dear Parents,

I have found the flu vaccine letters I was supposed to give out to the children at the end of the day.

If you had asked for your child to be given the vaccine, it has been administered today as a nasal spray.

The guidance on the letter is as follows….

 If you are able to share this with any parents you are aware may not use the blog, many thanks.


Dear Parents,

I hope you are having a lovely half term break and that everyone is looking forward to coming back to school on Monday.

Regards homework, if you have a CGP Grammar book please complete page 5 on verbs and page 6 on adjectives only. Books to be returned to school on Wednesday.

Maths with parents has been set and it is to help with the mental recall and understanding of number bonds to 10. The children should know these off by heart in year 2 and be able to recall them – for example knowing if they have 6 marbles they will need 4 more to equal 10. Anything else you can do to support this in a context will be of benefit.

The spelling homework is to practise all of the spellings from the last half term and we will be having a spelling check on Friday this week based on 20 of the words already learned.