Merry Christmas!

Once again thank you for the kind gifts and your generosity.

We have had a fantastic first term in Year two and the children have worked especially hard these last few weeks in preparing for Christmas.

We were so proud of the whole of Year 2 for their wonderful performances and singing this week for our Nativity. The message was very clear to us all that God sees us all and knows us, even if we are a small star. We are all important and special  to him.

We have also enjoyed our class worship and preparing for Christmas as a class. Thank you for joining us in those services.

The reverse advent calendar has been a real success – thank you for the donations.

It has been a busy and tiring first term but the children have worked hard and achieved all we set out to do.

Enjoy the festive break and wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

Have a great New Year and see you in January!

A few photos….

We hope you have a wonderful holiday!

Many thanks for the kind and generous gifts and the good wishes for the break. We are very touched by your kindness and generosity.

Here are some photos from the party.

Thursday PARTY!!

Dear Parents,

It is party day on Thursday and the children are able to wear their party clothes all day for school.

Please send in any food/juice in the morning and if you are able to help in the afternoon from about 1.15 pm please let us know in the morning.

We are so very proud of the children and their hard work in the Nativity performances this week – we hope you enjoyed it as much as we (and the children) did!

Christmas Jumper Day

Tomorrow (Wednesday) is Christmas jumper day – children are allowed to wear their Christmas jumper with their usual uniform (skirt/trousers etc).

It is also Christmas Lunch – there will only be turkey dinner or vegetarian alternative. No sandwich choice or jacket potato.

It is also the reindeer races! Please send in your sponsor forms or money in a named envelope. We have lots lined up tomorrow – brussel sprout and spoon; carrot balancing; pass the pud and stick the nose on Rudolph!

The children are working really hard on the Nativity. If they have lines to learn please support this at home with some practice – they may even preview some songs for you! Also ticket request forms were sent last week. Please go to the office if you have not yet received one.

Many thanks


Dear Parents,

We are certain you have already been informed by your child what part they have in our Nativity this year.

Here is a guide for costumes provided/required and an email/letter will be sent this week. Please share this with anyone who doesn’t check the blog!

For any of the costumes, if you have something that is suitable and your child would prefer to wear that then please send it to school in named bag. We are able to provide most costumes but the children have been telling us they ‘have one at home’ so we are happy to use those if they are suitable.


Narrators – smart ‘party’ clothes

Stars – star costume (school provides)

Wise men/pages – (school provides)

Shepherds – (school provides)

Mary and Joseph – (school provides)

Angels – UPDATE**** We do not have as many as we thought and they are out of stock. If you have an angel costume at home, please provide this for the Nativity.

Organisational things

Dear Parents,

Just a few reminders about some class routines.

If you could make sure that you send your child with a water bottle each day and remind them to bring it home. We do our best to remind them too.

In the morning the expectation is that the children line up in register order independently when they hear the first bell. This ensures we are ready to go in to school when the second bell rings. When the weather is bad then we usually just enter the classroom when the door is opened.

The school dinner menu has changed and there is some confusion with the children about what certain meals are. If you could help at home by discussing with your child what they will be having and that they know what colour meal choice they should choose. I have attached a copy of the new menu here so you can discuss the choices with your child at home.

Many thanks.

menu nov 2018 to apr 2019

Super Science Sorting ….. and classifying

We were focusing on materials again this week and had to use our super sorting and classifying skills!

Firstly finding out which materials are magnetic and non magnetic.

Then some sorting and classifying by properties.

Then asking ourselves why?

Asking why were objects only made from a certain material and what made this materials the best one for the purpose. Lots pf reasoning about properties going on.

Update to Advent service dates

Dear Parents,

Please see below for the new dates for our class Advent services.

We have had to change some of the dates – one due to it being on the same day as our class party and the other our performance! Sorry for any inconvenience.

Week 1 – Tuesday 4th December, Thursday 6th December and Friday 7th December.

Week 2 – Monday 10th December, Tuesday 11th December and Friday 14th December.

Week 3 – Monday 17th December and Wednesday 19th December.

There will be spaces for 4 parents at each slot.

Class Advent Services

As part of our preparation in Advent we will be holding simple Advent services in our classroom at the end of the day. We would love to have you join us at 3 pm.
Mrs Clack has a sign up sheet in the office for our class. Our services will be held on :-

Week 1 – Tuesday 4th December, Thursday 6th December and Friday 7th December.

Week 2 – Monday 10th December, Tuesday 11th December and Friday 14th December.

Week 3 – Monday 17th December, Tuesday 18th December and Thursday 20th December.

There will be spaces for 4 parents at each slot.

Also we will be sending a prayer format home for you to write a simple prayer with your child. These are really simple child led prayers for us to share in our services. If you could send it in as soon as your child has written it so it can be used in the advent service.

Many thanks