Beginning our Geography Topic with a Look at Sheffield.

Our first topic lesson was exciting and interesting as we looked at some familiar places around Sheffield and decided which were the most interesting to us. We looked at artists’ representations of the city and some tourist information movies about Sheffield too. We have all agreed that there is a lot to like about living here. Soon the children will bring a survey home to find out about others’ views on life in Sheffield.

Our R.E. Topic is Journeys

In R.E. this week we have looked at our liturgical journey through the year. We thought about our big church celebrations and we also wrote down what we do as Christians to help the world after we are energised and inspired by our church celebrations.

Homework 19 1 18

Thank you so much for all the super spelling homework that was returned and all the Maths done online too.

This week we have a new Maths topic  – Money  – and the homework is about finding change. If anyone has lost their log on details please ask for a letter.

Spellings for this week are:











The children also have a reading comprehension to do about the poem ‘Trees’. We have recently discussed the features of poetry and it is important for them to recognise, understand and enjoy poems.  This written homework is due in two weeks on 2 2 18.

Thank – you for all your support.

Homework 12 1 18

Today all the children will bring home their Read Write Spell homework. Please can this be done in the big red books and returned next Friday.

Our ‘Maths with Parents’ activity this week is telling the time. We have practised at school telling the time to at least the quarter hour. Some children have begun to master telling the time to 5 minutes. Please do the activity on the website as it makes a real difference to the children’s learning to practise skills at home.

You will receive a full Half Termly Newsletter with information about homework etc. at the beginning of next week.