This term we have designed and built our very own toy cars. The children loved this activity and enjoyed using a range of materials to build their cars.

Toys and book sale!

We are currently trying to raise money to buy new books for our class reading corner. We have decided to have a toy and book sale on Friday 3rd April after school on the infant playground. If you have any unwanted toys and books, please could these be sent into school so we can hopefully raise some money for our project. This would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!


Next week we are going to be making our very own toy cars! If possible, please could you send any smaller cardboard boxes that you may normally recycle into school.

Thank you!

PE days

Good afternoon,

Our PE days have now changed to Monday and Thursday, so please send your children in their PE kits on these days. Tomorrow the children will no longer have PE so please can they wear their school uniform as normal.

Thank you!

Easter Week!

We have had such a fun final week of term in Y2. On Tuesday we had the Easter bonnet parade in the school playground and the children brought in their decorated bonnets and eggs. They looked fantastic! We ended the week by having our movie afternoon to raise money for Good Shepherd.

We hope everyone has a lovely half term break!

The Y2 Team

End of term

A reminder that tomorrow is Easter funday! We have invited the children to come in non-uniform and bring extra treats for our movie afternoon. Donations can be made on parentpay. 

Thank you!

History – Toys Of The Past

Over the past few weeks we have had visitors come and join us in class to share some of the toys that they played with as children. We listened to how the toys were played with and some of the rules for the different games. Thank you so much for joining us!

Science Week!

We have had such a fun week in Y2! We have been so lucky as we have had many different visitors come and join us in school. One of the parents delivered a presentation about cryogenics and the children got to observe different experiments involving liquid nitrogen! We learnt lots about different gases and how gases are affected by temperature. It was very exciting!

We also had GP’s join us in class to discuss the importance of keeping healthy and having a balanced diet. We discussed using the Eatwell Plate as a guide to help us with this! This helped with our current science project, Animals Including Humans, as we have been learning about healthy living.

Today we conducted our own investigation into the importance of hygiene. The children used glitter to represent germs on our hands, and we used paper towels, soap and water and water to see which would be the most effective way of cleaning our hands.

English – The Great Kapok Tree

This term we have been looking at our new class text – The Great Kapok Tree.

Today we discussed how the author chooses effective and powerful vocabulary to describe the setting (the rainforest). The children were given an extract from the text and were asked to picture it in their minds and then use pastels to draw it. They then labelled their drawings with their favourite descriptive words and phrases that the author uses.

History – Toys Of The Past

This term in KS1, we are discussing what childhood was like for our parents and grandparents, with a focus on toys and games that were popular in the past. We will compare and discuss similarities and differences between toys from the past and present. 

If possible, we would love to welcome any parents or grandparents into school to share and discuss some of the toys that they played with as a child. This would ideally be during the w/b 18th March in an afternoon. If you would like to come into school as a volunteer, please speak to the class teacher or email enquiries@stwilfridssheffield.co.uk.

Thank you very much!