Look what you’ve been up to!

Here are some of the photos and work I’ve been sent so far……

Really need to know more about this photo!!!! 🙂

Some of the fabulous work….

From the sentence stackers last week – La Luna

La luna
As Luca floats to planet rock he feels unsure. When he lands he sees
glimmering glistening glowing stars all around him. He feels amazed .
At How many stars are there in this incredible place?!!! His Papa shouts and tells Luca to put the anchor in a crater .
He sees a shooting star land. He jumps over to it Investigate by knocking it . It shines a bit brighter. Slowly a spark of light shimmer and shined along the star then suddenly stopped.
Some pages from a Great Fire of London powerpoint –

Tuesday 31st March

Good morning,

I hope you are all well.

An email has been sent regarding a suggested menu of things you do. It is most of the information from a post last week with a few extra ideas. I am only going to post once or twice a week so please use the menu and the links to support home learning.

White Rose Maths has some materials for online learning and this would be great to use to consolidate our work on fractions. The link is in the pinned post at the top of the blog.

I have also shared a link for some possible actions to the ‘My Lighthouse’ song. I love the enthusiasm from the two guys performing it …. and I am just like the one on the left when learning a new dance.


Prayer journals

Hello again,

So the theme for this week has been about thinking about FEAR and how we can overcome this and helping us understand that we all have fears and some are shared, but that they are small in comparison to the good in our lives.

So for the weekend and next week here is a song to share. The lyrics are in the video and could be said as a little prayer or you could sing the song as a prayer. I would like you to think of how God is our lighthouse and what he has done and does for us. And then think of someone or different people in your life who are your other lighthouses.

Write prayers to God, thanking him for what he does. Write a prayer for the other lighthouses in your life. Make up a dance for the song! Sing the song as a prayer and maybe light a candle as the light. I’d love to know what you get up to with this.

Here is the link. Happy weekend and take care x    My Lighthouse REND collective

(Bad/Dad) jokes

So I thought I’d share my favourite bad/dad joke with you.

It’s maths related (obviously!) and you probably all know it…..

Why was 6 afraid?

Because (altogether now).…. 7 8 9.

There’s another part though…

Why did 7 eat 9?

Because he was told to eat 3 square meals. (3 squared, geddit?)

Anyway if you have a bad/dad joke to share, email me through the year2 email and my own children will decide on the winner (judged by the amount of groaning and eye rolling) and I will post the jokes on the blog too.


Hello everyone!

I hope you are all well and enjoying the sunshine.

So a few quick updates. Purple mash is now working for all of you (I hope!)

I have added a couple of new links to the pinned post at the top of the blog – there are two new PE type links (in case Joe Wicks isn’t for you) and a new art link from the author Rob Biddulph.

I have had a few photos sent through the year2 email so thank you for those. If you get the chance please send them through and I will blog them next week.

Any questions or if you need to let me know something – email through the year2 blog.

Take care and stay safe.

Ms Marsh

Shadow drawing

Another art idea for while we have the sun is shadow drawing….

Find something you would like to draw and then trace around it’s shadow. Works inside or outside.


A few words…

So as a little aside, some words from Victorian slang…..

bumbershoot – umbrella

gigglemug – one who never stops smiling

bags of mystery – sausages

and my favourite Roald Dahlesque one

snottinger – a hankie   (an in the night garden link?)

One more for the grown ups –

firkytoodling – kissing and cuddling


Good morning all!

I hope you are all well and keeping busy with fun things as well as a little learning. This is only the first week of an unusual set of circumstances for us all. Keeping ourselves mentally and physically fit and well has to be a priority. Everyone, children and adults, will be feeling some strain or finding it difficult in some way. So do what you can and  enjoy what you do!

If you had any photos of what you’re up to or that you’d like to share then please email them to the year2 email (address in pinned post). Also let me know if you are happy for me to blog them so that you can keep in touch with friends and families. In a time when we can’t share the same physical space we can share a virtual one.

So a few extra things to add today – some of you may already be doing art with Pete Mckee. I have added the link to the pinned post also. Here’s the link for the first lesson.   Pete McKee   I haven’t shared it until now as there are videos on his youtube account that are NOT appropriate so please be careful it doesn’t load the next videos after the cartoon workshops are finished…….

Also I have set some purple mash activities for the children. They need to click on the 2do icon when they are logged in and they can see the activities there. Some of these I have set to repeat each week as they are spelling and typing practice. Link for this is in the pinned post.

Take care

Ms Marsh


Good afternoon!

I hope you are all well.

Maths – I am still looking in to the Carol Vorderman maths lessons and will post when I know more (and if they will support you at home)

Maths on Toast is a fun selection of different maths to do at home. If you have a packet of smarties or any other sweets that have colour groups then please try this fractions activity to consolidate the work we did in class Fractions with sweets  There are lots of different ideas for doing real life maths on this site.

Today’s prayer journal idea – The FEAR prayer.

Pray for

F – friends and family

E – emergency services

A – Around the world

R – Really close (neighbours, local businesses)

Reading – Keep reading! If you have a Lexia login 20 minutes about 4 or 5 times a week will have a huge impact. Share stories whenever you have the time.



So why do our noses run and our feet smell?

Also when you get out of the bath or shower and you are clean why does your towel get dirty?