
Our spellings for next week are;

find, kind, mind, behind, child wild, climb, children, any, many.

Thank you to all those who remembered to bring in their journals today, don’t worry if you forgot. Please just send them back into school tomorrow ready for our next set of spellings to be stuck in.

Don’t forget to try some of the activities listed in the front and back of the journal. It is so lovely to see so many children doing this and it really does help them to remember their spellings.

Thank you all.

Mrs Savage.


The children really enjoy their PE sessions with Mrs Morton on Friday afternoon. Mrs Morton always tells me how fantastic all the children are and how well they all join in. Here are a couple of sneaky photos from today’s lesson.

Reading for pleasure

Each day after our phonics lesson, the children are given time to read for pleasure. They really enjoy choosing from a variety of different books and discussing them with others around them.

It is wonderful to watch how excited they get when they learn new things from the books they have read.


Fantastic Maths!


Today in maths we have been looking at greater than, less than and equal to. The children worked in pairs and went on a hunt around our classroom to find things that were greater than, less than and are equal to.

Can you compare items at home using our new terminology?  


Hello everybody.

We have had another fantastic week of learning in Year 2.

All children should have now brought home their new spelling journals with this weeks spellings in them.

Our spellings for this week are:











Please could you send children’s spelling journals back to school every Monday and it will be given back to them on Tuesday/Wednesday with their next set of spellings.


Thank you all for your support.

Mrs Savage

Welcome to Year 2!

We have had a such lovely start to year 2 over the last week and I really hope the children are enjoying it as much as I am. It has been so lovely getting to know each of them.

The children have been brilliant at settling into new routines and organisation. We had some time getting to know each other last week and this week have got straight back into lessons.

You should have now received our Autumn term letter detailing all of the exciting things that we are going to be learning and I am looking forward to sharing these with you from next week.

A few quick things – our PE day is Friday, so as previously advised children should come to school in PE kit suitable for the weather on Friday and NOT school uniform. The children can wear leggings/joggers through the day with shorts underneath. They may also need a light waterproof jacket as we will still do PE outside in light rain. Please check the forecast for the day.

We have some children across school with allergies to nuts and sesame seeds. Please be aware of this when packing lunches and healthy snacks.

All children have now been given their new reading books and reading record. These are a record of what is read at home rather than at school, although adults in school may comment in them from time to time. Children’s books will be changed on the day noted in their reading record.

It has been lovely to meet some of you at the gates and for those of you who I haven’t had the opportunity to meet I look forward to meeting you all very soon (hopefully).

Mrs Savage.