Homework 26/5/23

The children have completed the majority of their quizzes this week! And we have had a lovely reward time together for all of the effort.

Reading – as always read the books from school especially the RWI ones of your child has those. Also read other things your child is interested in. Any reading helps and reading around their interests promotes reading for pleasure.

Maths – Maths with parents is set. Also some homework was sent in bags for some of the measures work we have completed in class.

Spelling – sheets and yellow books have been sent home.

Grammar – these should be completed and any revision of pages will help.


We had a lovely afternoon yesterday making a huge amount of cake pops! They looked amazing after the children had decorated them.

Well done to all of the Year 2 children in school. They have worked really hard this week on their quizzes. They should be really proud of themsleves.

Reading book amnesty!

Dear Parents,

we are struggling to find reading books to send home as we have not had all books returned. Please check to see if you have old reading books and return to school as soon as possible.

We usually change reading books in class on Wednesdays so if you do not send books everyday then please ensure they are returned on Wednesday.

Many thanks

Homework 19/5/23

Reading – as always lots of reading please! Anything of interest to your child – and you reading to them. Also ask questions to check understanding and support comprehension.

Maths – Maths with Parents is set. Please access the previous videos for consolidation. We have also sent an arithmetic sheet home with some examples for guidance.

Spelling sheets and yellow books have been sent home.

Grammar – all activities have been completed now. Please choose pages for revision.

Jam jar request

As part of the learning in History and Science we require empty, clean jam jars – preferably with the label removed! Jam jar is more a gauge of size for the jar – we will accept marmalade, lemon curd and other jars of a similar size regardless of what they contained!

If you have any you can spare for our investigation could you please send the clean, empty jars with lids (and no labels) to school as soon as possible.

Many thanks for your help!

Homework 12/5/23

Reading – books have been sent home already.

Spelling – yellow books have been sent home and sheets for those who did not have them.

Maths – Maths with parents is set and looking back at the videos and activities from earlier in the year is good preparation for the quizzes coming up in the next couple of weeks. Numbots and hit the button are also beneficial for fluency and known facts.

Grammar – We have now completed all pages of the CPG book. It would be beneficial to complete any pages that have been missed and look over any pages again for practice.

Celebration picnic!

Hopefully you will have received the communications from the school office regards the arrangements for today. Here is a summary –

– we’d be really grateful for donations of cake/scones etc to share (the PTA will be taking voluntary cash donations for these in the afternoon)

– children can come to school wearing red, white or blue. We do have PE so the children can come in red, white and blue clothing as long as they can still do PE safely.

– children can bring an extra snack to enjoy in the afternoon 

– The reply slip must be returned by this morning registration to let us know if they are wanting to collect your child early to join them on the field

We are hopeful and praying for dry weather and the sun to break free!

Homework 5/5/23

This week we have sent home some additional homework for Year 2 across both classes. The homework is not compulsory as we understand that some children may not complete this – please use your discretion and understanding of your child.

In the SATs the children have to complete work independently but if your child requires help with the tasks sent home please DO help as this will support them in developing independence and feeling success in completing any work you choose.

Regards the reading there are two activities and the responses are straight forward. For the maths we have not yet taught all of the concepts as a full unit of work. If the questions refer to measures, money or time you may wish to miss these out and we will remind the children in school. If the questions are set in a context and use place value or addition/subtraction etc then the children should have a strategy to solve. Any work you choose to do can be returned to school in your own time. It may be more supportive and beneficial to work through the problems and tasks with your child to explore their understanding and help them draw the problem out or discuss what they think it means. This is what we do in school initially before the children then work independently or with support.

Thank you for your support.

Reading – books were sent home on Wednesday.

Maths – Numbots, Hit the button and Maths with Parents. Any revision of Maths with Parents topics from earlier in the year will benefit the children.

Spelling – Sheets sent home or new spellings are stuck in the journals we had.

Grammar – Please complete pages 51 – 54 in the CPG books. This should be the last pages left to complete.

Homework 28th April

Reading – books were sent home on Wednesday.

Maths – Maths with parents is set and Numbots and Hit the Button are great for consolidation and recall of key facts.

Spellings – journals were sent home.

Grammar – please complete page 50 compound words.